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Live Learn Innovate Foundation

Contact us

We believe that humanity’s data is immensely valuable, and at the same time incredibly vulnerable.

It has the potential to unlock new applications, treatments, and services that can create a better world for all of us.

However, this data is often scattered among many different service providers and devices within each person’s lifetime.

It is left up to each of us to ensure our data is properly secured so it meets the highest privacy protection standards.

Want to read more before reaching out? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.

With an abundance of worthy causes, picking the Live Learn Innovate Foundation provides multiple organizations founded in health, medicine, environment, legislation, and entertainment with the more fundamental opportunity to overcome digital monopolies. 

You improve all those industries by supporting a foundation that inherently reduces the risk of monopolization and coercive control.

Apple App

Check us out on the Apple app store Best Life Health Diary.

Best Life, on Apple

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Android App

Check us out on the Google Play store Best Life Health Diary.

Best Life, on Google Play

Device agnostic, switch from Apple to Android easily.
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Web App

Check us out on your laptop or desktop browser, Best Life Health Diary.

Best Life, on the Web

Device agnostic, so easily use your laptop, desktop, or web browser.
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