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The Live Learn Innovate Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Powered up with Alexa voice integration, weather data, your own daily symptom log, and a bullet journal, Best Life simplifies hundreds of other tools to become your super app.

We’re a nonprofit because it protects end-users information as a donor-restricted asset. This prevents your data and information from being resold as a “legitimate business interest” or passed to another hand due to a business acquisition.

Not many data aggregation software can say as much.


The Live Learn Innovate Foundation (LLIF) was built to bring the power of digital data back to the individuals that produce it. Harnessing this power will enable members to improve their own lives through data driven insights, becoming their own independent advisors and gaining the tools necessary to improve personal health and wellness decision making. In addition to personal data use, a member can opt-in to share wellness data with the global health community, and monetize their data by sharing it with companies that do not have the capacity to collect such information on their own.

As a non-profit organization, LLIF removes the barriers between useful data analytics and the individuals that produce it.

Ultimately, LLIF can change the data economy to value insights and analytics instead of collection and ownership.

If data driven marketing can dominate sales, there is no limit to what data could do for you, the producer of that data. By logging health symptoms, diet, or exercise, patterns and insights emerge that can lead to more informed health decisions. Logging each instance of a migraine and using a meal tracker can provide useful information on how your diet impacts your chronic headaches. Logging joint pain and using a service that tracks environmental data can be used to determine patterns of arthritis and humidity or barometric pressure. With an unlimited number of variables, the correlations that can be made are infinite. Your data will also provide insights into productivity, sleep, and others.

LLIF members can choose to monetize their data by opting in to share it with select businesses. You can be the seller of your own data.

LLIF members can choose to support the global health and wellness community by opting in to donate data to health care organizations. This data will provide medical professionals with the opportunity to use insights to improve quality of care for ailments of all types.

Everyone has a legal and ethical right to their recorded data. As a member, LLIF will retrieve your data from the companies that have been collecting it and give it back to you. It will all be stored securely even if the companies possessing it are hacked or fail. LLIF’s system for recording health and wellness information makes it easy to gain personal insights, letting you customize search variables, so that you can make the most of your data. LLIF’s initial focus it to provide innovators with the tools necessary to make informed care decisions for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities.

LLIF members can choose to monetize their data by opting in to share it with select businesses. You can be the seller of your own data.

LLIF members can choose to support the global health and wellness community by opting in to donate data to health care organizations. This data will provide medical professionals with the opportunity to use insights to improve quality of care for ailments of all types.

Companies that collect an array of data from their users use it to target consumers. Even seemingly small decisions like slowing down as you pass an ad on Instagram are used to refine what ads you’ll see in the future. This is a boon for the companies that can promise marketing with laser precision. Amazon has unfathomable amounts of data points to refine suggested products – enough for Amazon’s add-ons like “Frequently Bought Together” and “You Might Also Like” to make up over 1/3 of their sales. LLIF will help you take control over your data.

LLIF members can choose to monetize their data by opting in to share it with select businesses. You can be the seller of your own data.

LLIF members can choose to support the global health and wellness community by opting in to donate data to health care organizations. This data will provide medical professionals with the opportunity to use insights to improve quality of care for ailments of all types.

Data Value

The answer is straight forward: it is their business service, a product. Your data has been leveraged in a way that directly benefits what we call Big Data companies.

Your data is already out there, contributing to the bankrolls of Big Data giants. Stop missing out on the benefits of data mining and take control of your digital data.

Being digital does not change that you own your information; its property.

We work to help communities understand that living data is a form of personal property and not a currency, which it has been egregiously treated as.

Once aggregated, our data will allow us to see what we cannot see or feel otherwise.

  1. You suspect migraines on pollen-heavy days. How can you prove it? What impact would this have on your weekly or monthly recreational planning? What about preventative care?
  2. I’ve had many doctors tell me nothing is wrong but I have been tracking with my Fitbit for years. The data is right here, something is not right but how can I show it to a specialist?

Data analysis empowers us to make rational decisions about our lives by proactively managing our wellness. Without data, we are forced to react to obvious symptoms often leading to invasive treatments. LLIF data aggregation software helps in identifying related issues first.

TLDR; there are health benefits for you and your loved ones that are being withheld by for-profit data-mining industries.

Similar to the saying that the way to one’s heart is through their stomach, businesses have learned that the way to a consumer is through their data.

It used to take a personal conversation, and deliberate request for opinions and surveys to get this type of data from you. Family videos and outings were kept in-home videos, access to your Rolodex was limited, and what you read and where you shopped was difficult information to acquire. Now, it’s collected by nearly every software as a service. Clearly, data holds immense value to companies looking to target products and services.

More difficult to see is that data holds immense value to each and every individual. Through data analytics, we achieve an improved quality of life by using related symptom reports, and easy-to-reference tips for wellness.

Future Plans

The idea for the Live Learn Innovate Foundation was from observing loved ones struggle with ongoing challenges that they should not have had to endure or that could have been avoided if more was known or understood about the patterns around a single symptom. Our goal is to automate the recording of our lives to enable insights that lead to informed decision making.

LLIF fills several unmet, related needs. Members can securely aggregate their personal data from many sources to a non-profit multi-tenant cloud repository akin to a cloud version of a filing cabinet. This data will provide basic analytics, queries, visualizations, reporting, and notifications to promote individual and community wellness. Members can opt in to expose their data to domain expert organizations (referred to as Innovators) to accelerate innovations.

We are building a sustainable non-profit data marketplace of member consumers and private product companies rooted in individual privacy and control that will enable product businesses to target advertising to members only if they opt in. The product or service business will pay the LLIF member consumers to receive their ads proxied through the platform. The platform will apply a transaction fee that will support the building and operation of the platform. Any business that is granted access to user data will be required to accept an End-User License Agreement that specifies case use and distribution.

Each phase solves a need from supporting more proactive personal and community wellness to an alternative data platform leading to data analytics innovations.

Rather than innovation being constrained by platforms that hoard data for profit, LLIF creates an environment of community benefit.

The initial Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will be a scalable secure multi-tenant capable logging platform that will collect time, location, environment, activity, sleep, heart and weight data from other clouds in addition to a smart speaker voice interface.

The underlying technology will be re-purposed from Information Technologies (IT) security and networking industry. In IT, a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is used to monitor and baseline network, security, and application infrastructure to better operate and troubleshoot outages, attacks, and performance issues. The leading open source software products are Elasticsearch to store data and Kibana to provide analytics and visualizations.

The user experience will be to log into a dashboard at and create connections to the cloud data sources like FitBit, Google, Amazon, etc. LLIF will use API’s to acquire data when we can and web crawls when we must. When available, we will also offer a means to load historical data from cloud takeouts/downloads.

The voice skill will enable LLIF member to verbally generate events using an invocation like ‘life log’ (or similar) for simple events like symptoms (migraine, headache, diarrhea, pain, etc.) and dating (basic food groups, drinks, supplements, medicines). For example, to log a symptom, a member would say “Alexa”, “life log” diarrhea, headache, stomach, migraine, etc. To log what a member ate, the member would simply say “Alexa, life log I ate turkey, ham, cheddar, almonds, and edamame.”

You can help bring back data independence

Reach your best life and help others in one motion

Predictive analytics leading to decision support will empower you and your community to avoid uninformed decisions, mitigate events with negative consequences, and promote situations with positive outcomes. Even small improvements in decision making have enormous benefits to physical health, mental health, financial savings, and so much more.

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