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Get involved in the mission

Your Effort makes a big difference

In coordination with a network of individual volunteers and our independent movement organizations, including recognized Chapters, Health Organizations, User Groups, Universities, Partners, individuals, and well-intended private organizations, the LLIF provides the essential infrastructure and an organization framework for the support and development of systems and projects to solve health puzzles, foster innovation, enable more informed decision making, and minimize the manipulation of living data for profit at a personal, community, and global level.

Join our mission to enable everyone to improve their lives through data driven insights, increase helpful engagement with businesses and like-minded peers, and promote community innovation through anonymized data sharing.

You have a choice with this plan

The Live Learn Innovate Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that exists to help you and your community choose how your information impacts you.

Break the chains big data providers have wrapped around your daily decision-making. Do it with ease, using a nonprofit foundational software, and innovate without limits on your own technology.

Shot of a diverse group of people holding up speech bubbles outside


All monetary contributions help. To double the impact, speak to your employer about matching contributions. Reach out to our team to learn more ways to help fundraise.

Creating code for computer software


We have many in-kind donors to thank for things like our website software and hosting, internal communications, and more. This is a very appreciated way to get involved and support LLIF.

Using technology, smart watch for everyday life and productivity


We are seeking those who have experience developing mobile apps, working in data analysis, and who excel in social media influencing. Your time is incredibly valuable, thank you.

Join our team to help even more

With an abundance of worthy causes, picking the Live Learn Innovate Foundation provides multiple organizations founded in health, medicine, environment, legislation, and entertainment with the more fundamental opportunity to overcome digital monopolies. 

You improve all those industries by working with a foundation that inherently reduces the risk of monopolization and coercive control.

It takes one thing to break this public hostage situation online: stop giving your data to businesses that don't offer you the return on your investment.

Attractive girl by the light wall

Monthly support keeps us strong

Think of it like buying our team a coffee

Although, our monthly expenses for weather data, active analysis in the software for trend detection, and other software features adds up to more than a cup of coffee. With enough love from everyone, we can keep this going for decades.

Volunteer your time and expertise

Non-profit organizations are owned by the people for the people. Non-profits cannot be acquired or operate with for-profit motives. The LLIF community is composed of many participants. In addition to the community members, there are many stakeholders that contribute individual value while receiving community benefit.

Girl bites a birthday cake in honor of the child's first birthday.

Contribute with an honorary gift

Donate as an honorary gift

It’s a wonderful contribution to both the community and the recipient of the honor. Use the button below to submit your information and add your honorable mention to the note field. We will reach out to your to provide a certificate of donation and assist you with the presentation of the honorary gift. Thank you for considering this option!

Everything to gain, achievable with your help

A better life is within reach

Predictive analytics leading to decision support will empower you and your community to avoid uninformed decisions, mitigate events with negative consequences, and promote situations with positive outcomes. Even small improvements in decision making have enormous benefits to physical health, mental health, financial savings, and so much more.

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