The State of Mental Health in America

The State of Mental Health in America report was released by Mental Health America (MHA), an organization that aims to improve people’s lives with mental illness. This report explores the prevalence of mental illness in the US and what those who live with it face daily.

The report focuses on several issues, including:

  • the availability of mental health services
  • the status of individuals with mental illnesses
  • the impact of stigma and discrimination on access to care

The goal is to provide policymakers, advocates, media and others with information about key trends related to the state of mental health in America.

This report seeks to answer the following questions:

  • How many adults and youth have mental health issues?
  • How many adults and youth have substance use issues?
  • How many adults and youth have access to insurance?
  • How many adults and youth have access to adequate insurance?
  • How many adults and youth have access to mental health care?
  • Which states have higher barriers to accessing mental health care?

In the United States, a person is diagnosed with mental illness every two minutes. This is a startling statistic for a country that prides itself on its high quality of life. Read the entire report on the website linked below and learn the details of their findings.

Sources | State of Mental Health in America | theHill | CNN

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