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August Announcements from the Live Learn Innovate Foundation

We’ve made compelling progress on the LLIF software.

Highlights of our recent work include the below.

Among many other user experience enhancements, users can login with an Apple account. We’ve also pushed some updates to Apple TestFlight and will open up private testing soon. We made the software easy on the eyes and dark mode is available at launch.

Feeling a bit queasy on humid days? Be more confident by planning for your well-being with the newly integrated weather, air, and pollen data. In the graph library, you will find a heat map to help see patterns in symptoms. We’ve improved the search to reach across different clouds including purchases, places, news, social media, and more.

That is not the entire list – “but wait, there’s more!”

  • Android Mobile
  • With React Native, we expect most of our Apple work to apply to Android.
  • Web Based Platform
  • Favorite graphs
  • Sleep histogram chart
  • Find page v3 with purchased material UI features
  • Searching graphs
  • Web activity stacked bar
  • Weather ozone chart
  • Weather temperature chart
  • Weather humidity chart
  • Exercise graph update v1.5
  • Settings
  • Heatmap investigation
  • Improvements
  • Navigation
  • Dark mode
  • Cleanup
  • Voice based software use
  • Alexa account connection

Some behind the scenes coding had to occur to support functionality.

  • Updated Google location history endpoint
  • Daily input ratings schema, index, and read / write endpoints
  • Symptom tag event schema, index, and read / write endpoints
  • Weather, air, and pollen read endpoints
  • Migrated to common heart rate index, endpoints and graphs
  • Implemented AWS monitoring
  • Investigated EKS service
  • Multi-search query for environment logging
  • Passed schema details to colleagues for review
  • Tentatively scheduled security audit for 8/16
  • Coming up next on the roadmap, we aim to focus on mobile features.
  • Mobile focus with Soham, Raff, and Maty
  • Port graphs from web to mobile
  • Notifications
  • Move Apple testflight from alpha to beta
  • Build Android environment
  • Web
  • Heatmap
  • Event table
  • Backend
  • Alexa integration (finish)
  • EKS scale
  • Data schema
  • Security audit
  • Data Analytics
  • Create AWS infrastructure to run analytics
  • Create Azure environment to develop analytics engines and perform research
  • Analytics engines by LLIF, open source, and businesses
  • Feed notifications
  • Option to deliver results (not data) to 3rd parties
  • Notifications
  • Index
  • Endpoints
  • Analytics
  • Mobile
  • Engagement
  • Index
  • Endpoints
  • API
  • Member UI
  • Business UI
  • Payments

Our team is growing!

Last month, Matyas Cernohous from SDE 3PillarGlobal joined our team to bolster the front-end development production.

This month we welcomed a new team member, RiAnn Bradshaw, to direct LLIF’s marketing efforts.

If you have any feedback or ideas, give us a shout out!

The Live Learn Innovate Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity that helps software users regain control of their personal data, benefit from the big data practices of data mining, gain intuitive insights about their health and environment, and much more. You deserve the benefits technology brings to the community, not data giants. Live your life informed and in control.

Who we are

The Live Learn Innovate Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity that empowers software users to regain control of their personally generated health data, gain intuitive insights about their social data, learn the impact of their environment on health, and build a foundation of data analytics that empowers research, academics, and innovation in economic development.

Use cases for this secure, private method of data aggregation appear everywhere, expanding to family care, community growth, agricultural planning, and many more things still unseen. Help us keep going by getting involved today.

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