Live Learn Innovate Foundation

software support


Please read through the following resources for software help. Still having problems? Contact our support using the form on this page.

Forgot your password

Hey, it happens to the best of us! Fortunately your login is tied directly to your Google or Apple ID. Use that platform to reset or recover your password, then use that account to sign in when you’re ready.

Data upload issues

Having problems getting your data uploaded? Visit THIS PAGE to troubleshoot.

Check out all our platforms

Live Learn Innovate Foundation (LLIF) is a Nonprofit foundation focused on providing free software and related products to individuals, allowing them to proactively address emotional and physical well-being and quickly recover any time they lose positive forward momentum due to illness.

The Live Learn Innovate Foundation’s Software and Mobile App are used to keep personal information safe and healthy, replacing the need for a mood journal, symptom tracker, health monitor app and more. Perfect for anxiety, depression and any mental health condition. Live your best life with the LLIF.

Apple App

Check us out on the Apple app store Best Life Health Diary.

Best Life, on Apple

Device agnostic, switch from Android to Apple easily.
Click here

Android App

Check us out on the Google Play store Best Life Health Diary.

Best Life, on Google Play

Device agnostic, switch from Apple to Android easily.
Click here

Web App

Check us out on your laptop or desktop browser, Best Life Health Diary.

Best Life, on the Web

Device agnostic, so easily use your laptop, desktop, or web browser.
Click here

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