Best Life Health Diary Latest Version Update (2022.13.7 and 2022.14.10)


  • FAB(ulous) new menu toggle on the Diary to quickly add entries.
  • Manual data entry for blood pressure and body comp.
  • Daily dose of graph data on a new dashboard.
  • Improving the speed your data is displayed.
  • Sprucing up a few visuals for Spring.
  • Treating the app for bugs.

*NEW* Features

#The FAB menu (called a Floating Action Button) has been added to accommodate all the Diary entries that we currently have, and will have in the future!

#Manual data entry has been added so now you can add entries for body measurements like weight and body fat, blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic entries), and body temperature. This is great for keeping track of a cold, new medication, or meeting physical goals!

#Your Daily dashboard under graphs displays critical data points like your resting heart rate over time, today’s steps, your recent weight, last night’s sleep, your mood, stress levels, and will be customizable over time!

*BUFFED* Features

#We gotta go fast. Improving the speed of your data displays took a bit of work and still needs focus, but progress has been made!

  • Google Fit linking prompt reduced frequency.
  • Continuous integration and deployment protocols for mobile and web consistency.
  • Updated sync process for new endpoint.
  • Enhanced the mobile user sign in screen.
  • Removed CO2 from the Air Elements graph and placed it in its own graph.
  • Improved the user notice when missing data on a graph.
  • Improved descriptions of the data and variables in each graph.
  • Dark mode enhancements, because we don’t need a flashlight in our face at night!
  • Added the ability to edit the date of, or delete Diary entries.
  • Added new Settings for user reference.

*UPCOMING* Features

  • AUTOMATED SYNC with Fitbit! This is massively exciting for many users.
  • Family sharing and group management.
  • Plans, reminders, notifications, alerts, and more.


This will sound crazy as a new mobile app, but we had a few bugs to sprint towards and smush. 

  • Fixed an issue with the search field having cut-off text
  • Fixed an issue where the onboarding guide was not triggering for Apple users

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Thanks for helping us make our app great! If you have any ideas on how we can make it even better please join our social channels and share your ideas @lliforg or email us at [email protected].

Who we are

The Live Learn Innovate Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity that empowers software users to regain control of their personally generated health data, gain intuitive insights about their social data, learn the impact of their environment on health, and build a foundation of data analytics that empowers research, academics, and innovation in economic development.

Use cases for this secure, private method of data aggregation appear everywhere, expanding to family care, community growth, agricultural planning, and many more things still unseen. Help us keep going by getting involved today.

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